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Latest Version: 3.2.0

The Firebase library allows you to easily integrate your agent code with Firebase’s realtime backend, which includes data storage, user authentication, static hosting and more.

You can view the library’s source code on GitHub. Click here to see information on the available versions of this library.

To include this library in your project, add

#require "Firebase.agent.lib.nut:3.2.0"

at the top of your agent code.

Class Usage


Firebase supports three types of authentication:

By default, the library is configured to use legacy tokens for authentication. This mode may be initialized by using the authKey parameter in the library class’ constructor. Set this parameter to null if you plan to use another authentication type.

At any time, the current type of authentication may be changed by calling setAuthProvider(). Please see the method’s description for more details.

Optional Callbacks And Promises

The methods read(), write(), remove(), update() and push() all include an optional callback parameter. If a callback function is provided, it will be called when the response from Firebase is received. The callback function has two parameters: error and data. If no error was encountered, error will be null. If any error occurred, an error message will be passed to the callback’s error parameter. If Firebase returns a 429 error, the library will now prevent further requests from being processed for at least 60 seconds.

As an alternative to passing in a callback, you can make use of Electric Imp’s Promise library. If the Promise library is included and no callback is provided, the methods read(), write(), remove(), update() and push() will automatically return a promise.

To include the Promise library in your project, add

#require "Promise.lib.nut:3.0.1"

at the top of your agent code.

Constructor: Firebase(instanceName[, authKey][, domain][, debug])


Parameter Type Required Notes
instanceName String Yes The name of your firebase instance
authKey String No An optional authentication key. Default: null (see ‘Authentication’, above)
domain String No A base domain name for the Firebase instance, used to build the base Firebase database URL, eg. Default: ""
debug Boolean No The debug flag. Set to false to suppress error logging within the Firebase class. Default: true

The domain and instance are used to construct the URL that requests are made against in the following way: https://{instance}.{domain}.

If you do not plan to use legacy tokens for authentication, pass null as the authKey parameter and call the setAuthProvider() method immediately after the constructor. That method’s description contains an example of this.

Example: Legacy Authentication

#require "Firebase.agent.lib.nut:3.2.0"



Class Methods

setAuthProvider(type[, provider])

This method updates the type of authentication used by the library to communicate with Firebase. All subsequent calls to Firebase will use the set authentication method.


Parameter Type Required Notes
type Constant Yes The type of authentication. It must be one of the following values:
FIREBASE_AUTH_TYPE.LEGACY_TOKENLegacy token authentication. It is initialized by the authKey parameter in the library class’ constructor
FIREBASE_AUTH_TYPE.OAUTH2_TOKENGoogle OAuth2 access tokens authentication. An external provider of access tokens must be used and passed to the library via the provider parameter. Electric Imp’s OAuth2.JWTProfile.Client library may be used as the provider
FIREBASE_AUTH_TYPE.FIREBASE_ID_TOKENFirebase ID token authentication. An external provider of access tokens must be used and passed to the library via the provider parameter
provider String No An optional external provider of access tokens. The provider must contain an acquireAccessToken() method that takes one required parameter: a callback that is executed when an access token is acquired or an error occurs. The callback has two required parameters of its own: token — a string representation of the access token, and error — a string with error details (or null if no error occurred)

If an unsupported value is passed into type, or null is passed into provider (irrespective of the type value), the authentication type is changed to LEGACY_TOKEN.

Return Value


Example: Firebase ID Authentication

#require "Firebase.agent.lib.nut:3.2.0"
#require "OAuth2.agent.lib.nut:2.0.1"


firebase <- Firebase(FIREBASE_NAME);
            "iss"         : FIREBASE_SERVICE_ACCOUNT_CLIENT_EMAIL,
            "scope"       : ""

on(path, callback)

This method listens for changes at a particular location.


Parameter Type Required Notes
path String Yes The path to a node
callback Function Yes Called when changes to the node are detected

The callback method takes two parameters of its own: path and data. The path parameter returns the full path of the node that was modified. This allows you to determine if the root of the path you’re tracking was changed, or if a node below it changed. The data parameter contains the modified data.

Return Value



// Register a callback handler
firebase.on("/settings", function(path, data) {
    server.log("Changes detected at: " + path);
    server.log("New Data: " + http.jsonencode(data));

    // Make sure the data we're looking for exists
    if ("color" in data) {
        // Send the new settings to the device
        device.send("newColor", data.color);

// Register a callback handler
firebase.on("/current/state", function(path, state) {
    server.log("Changes detected at: " + path);
    server.log("New Data: " + http.jsonencode(state));

    // Send the new state to the device
    if (state) device.send("newState", state);

// Open the stream to begin listening;

Note You must call the stream() method (see below) in order to open a realtime stream with Firebase and have the registered callbacks invoked.

stream([path][, uriParams][, onErrorCallback])

This method creates a streaming request.

Parameter Type Required Notes
path String No The path to a node. Default: the root of the instance ("/")
uriParams Function No An optional table of Firebase queries
onErrorCallback Function No Called if errors occur while making the streaming request

The Firebase class will attempt to silently and automatically reconnect when it encounters a 429 or 503 status code error. For all other errors, it is up to the developer to re-initiate the stream() request, typically in the function passed into onErrorCallback. This function has a single parameter which receives the HTTP Response Table from the request.

Return Value

Boolean — false if a stream is already open, otherwise true.


// Setup onError handler
function onStreamError(response) {
    server.error("Firebase encountered and error:");
    server.error(response.statuscode + " - " + response.body);
    imp.wakeup(1.0, openStream });

// Wrap up the process of opening a stream
function openStream() {"/", onStreamError);



Is a stream currently open?

Return Value

Boolean — true if the stream is currently open, otherwise false.


This method closes the current stream if it is open, but takes no action otherwise.

Return Value



This method reads the local/cached copy of the data at a specified path. This method is intended for use in a .on() handler to prevent unnecessary communication with Firebase through the read() method.


Parameter Type Required Notes
path String No The path to a node. Default: the root of the instance ("/")

Return Value

The cached data.


firebase.on("/settings", function(path, data) {
    // Check if the location setting changed
    if ("location" in data) {
        // If it did, grab the location data from Firebase
        // use fromCache() instead of read to avoid an unnecessary Web request
        local location = firebase.fromCache("/location");

        // Send the new location information to the device
        device.send("updateLocation", location);

read(path[, uriParams][, callback])

This method reads data from the specified path (ie. performs a GET request).


Parameter Type Required Notes
path String Yes The path to a node
uriParams Function No An optional table of Firebase queries
callback Function No Called when data is received from Firebase, or an error occurred

Any function passed into callback should have two parameters of its own. The first, error, receives a string which will describe an error if one occurred. If the call succeeded, error is null. The second parameter, data, will be the data received from Firebase. It will be null if an error occurred.

Return Value

This method returns a Promise when no callback is provided and the Promise library is included in your agent code.


Simple Asynchronous Read
// Read all the settings:"/settings", function(error, data) {
    if (error) {
    } else {
        foreach (setting, value in data) {
            server.log(setting + ": " + value);
Read With Query Parameters

Query Parameters can also be passed in as a table of arguments to uriParams:

fbDino <- Firebase("dinosaur-facts");

// Perform a shallow query to get the list of keys at this location"/dinosaurs", {"shallow": true}, function(error, data){
    // Logs: { "lambeosaurus": true, "linhenykus": true, "triceratops": true,
    //         "stegosaurus": true, "bruhathkayosaurus": true, "pterodactyl": true }

// The \uf8ff character used in the query above is a very high code point in the Unicode range.
// Because it is after most regular characters in Unicode, the query matches all values that start with a b."/dinosaurs", {"orderBy": "$key", "startAt": "b", "endAt": @"b\uf8ff"},
        // Logs { "bruhathkayosaurus": { "appeared": -70000000, "vanished": -70000000,
        //        "order": "saurischia", "length": 44, "weight": 135000, "height": 25 } }

write(path, data[, callback])

This method updates data at the specified path (ie. performs a PUT request).

Note When you write to a specific path you replace all of the data at that path and all paths below it.


Parameter Type Required Notes
path String Yes The path to a node
data Any Yes The data to write
callback Function No Called when data is received from Firebase, or an error occurred

Any function passed into callback should have two parameters of its own. The first, error, receives a string which will describe an error if one occurred. If the call succeeded, error is null. The second parameter, data, will be the written data. It will be null if an error occurred.

Return Value

This method returns a Promise when the callback is not provided and the Promise library is included in your agent code.


// When we get a new state
device.on("newState", function(state) {
    // Write the state to Firebase
    firebase.write("/current/state", state, function(error, data) {
        // If there was an error during the write, log it
        if (error) {
        } else {

update(path, data[, callback])

This method updates a subset of data at a particular path (ie. performs a PATCH request).


Parameter Type Required Notes
path String Yes The path to a node
data Any Yes The data to write
callback Function No Called when data is received from Firebase, or an error occurred

Any function passed into callback should have two parameters of its own. The first, error, receives a string which will describe an error if one occurred. If the call succeeded, error is null. The second parameter, data, will be the updated information. It will be null if an error occurred.

Return Value

This method returns a Promise when the callback is not provided and the Promise library is included in your agent code.


device.on("newLocation", function(location) {
    // Update the location in the settings:
    firebase.update("/settings", { "location": location }, function(error, data) {
        if (error) {
        } else {

push(path, data[, priority][, callback])

This method pushes data to the specified path (ie. performs a POST request). It should be used when you’re adding an item to a list.


Parameter Type Required Notes
path String Yes The path to a node
data Any Yes The data to write
priority Integer or string No An optional value used to sort the children under a specific parent, or in a query if no other sort condition is specified
callback Function No Called when data is received from Firebase, or an error occurred

Any function passed into callback should have two parameters of its own. The first, error, receives a string which will describe an error if one occurred. If the call succeeded, error is null. The second parameter, data, will be the pushed data. It will be null if an error occurred.

Return Value

This method returns a Promise when the callback is not provided and the Promise library is included in your agent code.


// Example using a promise instead of callback function
local results = [];
local fbKeys = [];

device.on("temps", function(data) {
    foreach(reading in data) {
        local pushData = { "deviceId": reading.deviceId,
                           "timestamp": reading.ts,
                           "temp": reading.temp };

        results.push(firebase.push("/temperatures", pushData));

    local promise = Promise.all(results);
    promise.then(function(responses) {
        foreach(response in responses) {

remove(path[, callback])

This method deletes data at the specified path (ie. performs a DELETE request).


Parameter Type Required Notes
path String Yes The path to a node
callback Function No Called when Firebase responds, or an error occurred

Any function passed into callback should have two parameters of its own. The first, error, receives a string which will describe an error if one occurred. If the call succeeded, error is null. The second parameter, response, will be an object representing the Firebase response. It will be null if an error occurred.

Return Value

This method returns a Promise when the callback is not provided and the Promise library is included in your agent code.


// If the user opts out of tracking:
device.on("no-tracking", function(data) {
    // Delete the location information from Firebase
    firebase.remove("/settings/location", function(error, response) {
        // If there was an error
        if (error) server.error(error);

Release History

The Electric Imp Dev Center documents the latest version of the library. For past versions, please see the Electric Imp public GitHub repos listed below.

Version Source Code Notes
1.0.0 GitHub Initial release
1.1.0 GitHub Streaming Rest queries and filtering data support — see read())
1.1.1 GitHub Minor code improvements
2.0.0 GitHub Add Promise support as an alternative to read(), write(), remove(), push() and update() callbacks; changes the parameters passed to method callbacks: now error and decoded response body, instead of response; uriParams parameter added to stream()
2.0.1 GitHub Minor code changes
3.0.0 GitHub Update library name to new naming scheme; improved error handling; bug fixes and improvements to parsing
3.1.1 GitHub Add support for Firebase rate-limiting (ie. 429 and 503 status codes)
3.1.2 GitHub Bug fixes
3.2.0 GitHub All Firebase authentication methods are now supported (Google OAuth2 access tokens, Firebase ID tokens, Legacy tokens); stream() method fixes


This library is licensed under MIT License.